Liza Soberano looks stunning in official trailer of ‘Lisa Frankenstein’

Liza Soberano’s Hollywood Debut in “Lisa Frankenstein” Official Trailer Release

The much-awaited release of the official trailer for the upcoming Hollywood film “Lisa Frankenstein” has thrilled Filipino fans as it marks Liza Soberano’s debut in the international film industry. The movie, scheduled to open in US cinemas on Feb. 14, features Soberano playing the role of a cheerleader.

Directed by Zelda Williams, the film also stars Kathryn Newton and Cole Sprouse, with the screenplay written by Diablo Cody. “Lisa Frankenstein” is a coming-of-rage love story about a misunderstood teenager and her high school crush, who happens to be a handsome corpse, as described by Focus Features in its synopsis. The film follows the pair as they embark on a murderous journey to find love, happiness, and a few missing body parts along the way after a set of playfully horrific circumstances bring the corpse back to life.

“Lisa Frankenstein” has also gained attention as it was listed among Rolling Stone’s 50 Most Anticipated Movies of 2024. Rolling Stone described the film as a story where true love may mean never having to say you’re sorry, but unfortunately does mean occasionally having to murder folks to keep your reanimated soulmate alive and intact.

With the release of the official trailer, fans and movie enthusiasts are eagerly anticipating Liza Soberano’s performance in this Hollywood production.

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