Alfred Vargas Urges Smokers to Quit Immediately

Quezon City Councilor and actor Alfred Vargas recently shared his personal journey of overcoming a smoking addiction. In an interview, Vargas disclosed that he was a chain smoker during his younger years but made the decision to quit smoking for good in order to have a longer and healthier life.

Vargas reminisced about his first experience with smoking, admitting that he was influenced by peer pressure during high school. However, he expressed his determination to quit and eventually succeeded in doing so.

The 43-year-old councilor-actor revealed that quitting smoking was not an easy process for him, as he experienced intense withdrawal symptoms for two months. Vargas became sick, was easily irritated, and lost focus on his daily activities. To avoid temptations, he chose to isolate himself and sacrifice short-term pleasure for the long-term goal of maintaining good health. Unfortunately, this decision also resulted in the loss of some friends who could not understand his choices.

Vargas emphasized his strong desire to live a longer, happier, and healthier life for the sake of his family. Having witnessed the loss of his mother and other relatives to cancer, he fears the disease due to his family history. Consequently, he believes that adopting a healthy lifestyle and minimizing stress are the best ways to reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Given his own experience, Vargas discourages the public from smoking and offers advice to smokers who wish to quit. He encourages individuals to take action now and quit smoking, as there is no perfect time to do so. Vargas personally quit cold turkey, abruptly stopping his smoking habit on August 23, 2003, which marks 20 years ago. He acknowledges the difficulties associated with quitting but advises smokers to surround themselves with people who share their health and life goals.

Vargas’ journey serves as an inspiration to others struggling to overcome smoking addiction, highlighting the importance of making positive choices for personal well-being and the pursuit of a longer, healthier life.

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