Netizens criticize E.A.T. host Joey De Leon for ‘insensitive’ joke, urge Lala Sotto to address the issue

Joey De Leon Faces Backlash for Insensitive Comments on Live TV Show

Renowned Filipino television host Joey De Leon has once again found himself in hot water after receiving criticism from netizens for his recent remarks. This time, the backlash stems from a comment he made during a popular noontime show, where he mentioned a rope as an item that can be placed around a person’s neck.

In a viral clip circulating online, a contestant on the show named “E.A.T.” struggled to come up with answers for things that can be worn around the neck. As the contestant failed to provide a response, De Leon jokingly replied with the word “lubid,” which means rope in English, not once but twice.

The comment immediately caught the attention of netizens, who accused De Leon of insensitivity and linked his remark to the topic of suicide. Twitter user ALTStarMagic shared the video clip, accompanied by a trigger warning about suicide and criticizing De Leon for his thoughtless comment.

Netizens expressed their disappointment with De Leon, claiming that he was making light of a serious matter. Many called on Lala Sotto, the Chair of the Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB), to intervene and address the issue.

This is not the first time De Leon has faced criticism for his controversial remarks. His previous comments have drawn ire from various groups, and many argue that he frequently crosses the line with his jokes and insensitive remarks.

As the backlash continues to grow, fans and critics alike are waiting to see how Joey De Leon and the show’s producers will respond to these allegations of insensitivity and potential harm caused by his comments.

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