Preserve Trees Along Davao-Samal Bridge Route

Environmentalists in Davao City have raised concerns over the cutting down of trees to make way for a China-funded bridge project connecting the city to Samal Island. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources issued a permit to cut down 223 trees on the Davao City side for the project. This move has sparked outrage among environmental groups, who believe the city should be planting more trees, not cutting them down.

The local government has come under fire for allowing the tree-cutting despite a local ordinance protecting heritage trees. The groups are now exploring legal options, including filing a writ of kalikasan to halt further destruction of trees and the environment.

In addition to calling for a suspension of tree-cutting activities, the environmental groups are urging the city government to declare a climate emergency and halt major projects that could harm protected areas. They view the tree-cutting not only as an environmental tragedy but also as a violation of human rights.

Questions have also been raised about public consultation on the project and compliance with local ordinances. The environmental groups are calling for more transparency and accountability from the city government in light of the environmental impact of the bridge construction.

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