Mixed reactions for Alibaba Cloud AI programmer

Alibaba Cloud Introduces First AI Programmer at Cloud AI Summit in Shanghai

Alibaba Cloud made headlines at the Cloud AI summit in Shanghai on June 21, 2024, by unveiling its first AI programmer. According to the South China Morning Post, this AI programmer is designed to assist developers in creating applications faster by combining the roles of a software architect, development engineer, and test engineer into one comprehensive tool.

The AI programmer, described as a “multi-intelligence agent,” has the capability to build applications within minutes and provide end-to-end product functionality. Xu Dong, the general manager of Alibaba Cloud’s Tongyi Qianwen LLM service, stated that the development paradigm for software applications is evolving. Tongyi Qianwen, the AI model behind the AI programmer, has been named to symbolize “truth from a thousand questions.”

While this advancement in AI technology has garnered praise from many individuals, some human programmers have expressed concerns about the potential impact on job opportunities in the field. Developers like Liang Yan and Yang Yi have shared mixed opinions about the AI programmer, highlighting its ability to save time but also pointing out areas where further development is needed.

As AI tools like the AI programmer become more common, professionals in the IT industry are encouraged to adapt to this changing landscape and prepare for the integration of artificial intelligence into their work processes.

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