First Lady reveals mischievous bet of drinking from Chiz’s glass

During a recent event in Malacañang, First Lady Liza Araneta Marcos was caught on camera playfully swiping a wine glass out of Senate President Chiz Escudero’s hands and taking a sip. The incident, which occurred on Independence Day, quickly went viral on social media.

Araneta-Marcos explained that the playful exchange between her and Escudero was sparked by the Senate president noticing that she “could use a drink” after greeting numerous ambassadors at the annual reception for diplomats. In a radio interview, she recounted the brief conversation they had before and after she drank from his glass.

According to the First Lady, Escudero praised her energy after standing and smiling for over an hour and suggested she could use a drink. She humorously took a sip from his glass, commented on the temperature of the champagne, and returned the glass to him, leading to a shared laugh between the two.

The moment between Araneta-Marcos and Escudero has sparked mixed reactions on social media, with some criticizing the First Lady’s behavior as unbecoming while others found humor in the interaction. The event, known as vin d’honneur or reception for the diplomatic corps, was part of the government’s Independence Day celebrations on June 12.

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