AI Recruiter to Assist in Finding Your Ideal School

AI Recruiter Developed to Help Students Find Suitable Schools

A US-based AI firm called CollegeVine has developed an AI recruiter aimed at assisting more students in finding the most suitable schools for them. The CEO of CollegeVine, Zack Perkins, explained that the company’s program reaches out to students and addresses any questions they may have about specific colleges or universities.

This AI recruiter is considered a win-win situation for both students and schools. Students are able to discover colleges that align with their life goals, while schools benefit from attracting more students from underrepresented communities.

The functionality of the AI recruiter was demonstrated on the CollegeVine website through a video featuring Zack Perkins. In the demo, Perkins simulated a call with Monza University, a fictional institution represented by the AI recruiter.

The AI recruiter, named Sarah, engaged in a conversation with Perkins, inquiring about his college preferences and offering information about Monza University. Perkins also highlighted how the AI recruiter can generate personalized brochures for numerous applicants after interacting with them.

In an interview with CNET, Perkins mentioned that the AI recruiter can aid colleges and universities in attracting more students from minority communities, thereby creating more opportunities for underrepresented groups.

Furthermore, Perkins emphasized that individuals may find it easier to communicate with AI recruiters compared to traditional admissions officers. He noted that this generation is comfortable with AI technology and is more inclined to ask questions they may not typically pose to admissions officers.

The potential benefits of AI recruiters in education extended to countries like the Philippines, where dropout rates due to high education costs have been a persisting issue. The AI recruiter could potentially make outreach to dropout students from smaller educational institutions more feasible and cost-effective.

Overall, the introduction of AI recruiters in the education sector opens up possibilities for reaching out to underrepresented student populations and providing valuable assistance in navigating the college application process.

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