A youthful visionary in the golf world

In Iloilo, 10-year-old Bernard Sinfuego showcases his dedication to golf by practicing barefoot on the putting green at the Iloilo Golf Club. Inspired by his uncle, Richard Sinfuego, a former national team standout, Bernard dreams of following in his footsteps and making a name for himself in the sport.

Despite his young age, Bernard’s commitment to golf is undeniable as he spends countless hours perfecting his skills on the course. His ultimate goal is to compete in the Junior Philippine Golf Tour Iloilo Visayas Series, despite facing challenges such as being pushed out of school due to poverty.

Organized by Pilipinas Golf Tournaments Inc., the series provides young golfers like Bernard with the opportunity to showcase their talents and improve their skills. With unwavering support from his family and a deep passion for the game, Bernard is determined to overcome obstacles and pursue his dreams of becoming a professional golfer.

As Bernard continues to practice and grow, his journey serves as an inspiration to others, highlighting how dedication and familial legacy can propel a young individual towards greatness. With the historic Iloilo Golf Club as the backdrop for his dreams, Bernard’s story is a testament to the power of passion and perseverance in the pursuit of one’s goals.

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