Explore the Thrilling Mountain Coaster Experience at Bukidnon Adventure Park in the Philippines

BUKIDNON, Philippines — A Swiss-inspired mountain coaster designed for the Alps is now accessible in the Philippines, offering visitors a taste of European adventure without the need to travel overseas.

The Razorback Mountain Coaster, located at the Dahilayan Adventure Park in Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon, has drawn praise from tourists who experience the thrill of mountain coasters in Europe.

This unique ride was showcased on the first day of the Philippine Experience Program (PEP): Culture, Heritage, and Arts Caravans organized by the Department of Tourism (DOT) in Northern Mindanao.

The “razorback” coaster boasts a 600-meter-long monorail track that winds through elevated terrain, allowing riders to speed down slopes and inclines similar to a roller coaster. The pace of the coaster cart is controlled manually by the rider using a lever-brake system.

Tourism Secretary Christina Frasco, who tried the razorback ride, expressed nostalgia for her childhood adventures, saying, “You won’t find this just anywhere. This is truly a unique tourist destination. Being here, reminds me of my childhood days filled with adventure.”

Other notable individuals, such as Malaysian Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Fareed Zakaria and Rep. Laarni Roque, also took a spin on the coaster ride during the PEP event. Austrian honorary consul Peter Faistauer assured visitors that everyone who tries the ride will leave with a “big smile.”

A single-round ride on the Razorback Mountain Coaster costs P400, while a double ride is priced at P600. The ride offers a family-friendly experience that has left visitors, including Secretary Frasco, with lasting memories of their time at the adventure park.

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