Eve Best swaps regal gowns for combat attire

New Epic Season of “House of the Dragon” Premieres Today

Fans of HBO and HBO Go are eagerly anticipating the sophomore season of “House of the Dragon,” which premieres today. The show introduces Princess Rhaenys Targaryen as one of the most popular characters, portrayed by British actress Eve Best. The series, set in Westeros 172 years before “Game of Thrones,” follows a generational war over the Iron Throne.

In the new season, the scale of the show expands, taking viewers to different locations and highlighting the epic quality of the story. The characters face war, vulnerability, and the end of a peaceful reign. Princess Rhaenys shifts to a warrior mode, bringing a new dynamic to her character.

As tensions rise between the Greens and the Blacks, Princess Rhaenys aligns with the beleaguered Targaryen heiress Rhaenyra in their quest for power. The series explores the dynamics of power, gender, and politics within the fictional world of Westeros.

Despite the online buzz surrounding the show, lead actress Eve Best remains blissfully unaware as she avoids social media. She appreciates the complexities of her character, Princess Rhaenys, and the relationship with her on-screen husband Corlys.

As “House of the Dragon” continues to captivate audiences, the show promises to take viewers on an exciting and unpredictable journey through the world of Westeros.

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