Artificial Intelligence offers a promising solution in the battle against cancer

Artificial Intelligence Could Revolutionize Early Cancer Detection

The importance of early cancer detection cannot be overstated, as it significantly increases the chances of recovery and makes treatment less burdensome. However, many screening programs struggle to gain momentum. A recent study conducted by UK-based researchers suggests that artificial intelligence (AI) could be the game-changer in this field.

With an estimated 20 million cases and 9.7 million deaths in 2022, cancer remains one of the leading causes of death worldwide. According to projections by the World Health Organization (WHO), the situation is expected to worsen, with an estimated 35 million new cases anticipated in 2050, marking a 77% increase compared to 2022.

In a paper published by Oxford University Press in the journal Biology Methods & Protocols, researchers from Cambridge University and Imperial College London trained AI to analyze DNA methylation patterns and detect 13 types of cancer, including breast, liver, lung, and prostate cancer, from non-cancerous tissue with 98.2% accuracy. Detecting abnormal DNA methylation patterns early could lead to improved recovery rates.

Lead author Shamith Samarajiwa emphasized the potential of AI models in aiding doctors with early cancer detection and screening, with the ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes. While the current AI model is based on tissue samples, further research, training, and testing on a broader range of biopsy samples are necessary before clinical implementation.

Numerous studies have highlighted the potential of AI in early cancer detection, showcasing how AI tools could enhance patient survival rates by expediting diagnosis and treatment. However, AI is seen as a supportive tool for healthcare professionals rather than a replacement, aiming to provide patients with timely and appropriate care.

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