Artificial Intelligence and education are important factors for employers, says ECOP

MANILA – Artificial intelligence (AI) and the quality of education in the country have been highlighted as key issues that the government should prioritize, according to the Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP).

During a press briefing at the 45th National Conference of Employers, ECOP president Sergio Ortiz-Luis Jr. emphasized the need to discuss the integration of AI in workplaces, the selection of an experienced education secretary, and wage increases.

Ortiz-Luis pointed out that the use of AI across various sectors and industries will revolutionize business models and production processes, leading to a redefinition of the skills necessary in the workforce. He stressed the importance of adjusting training and education programs to cultivate a resilient and adaptable workforce with the required skills.

Within ECOP, a pilot program is currently underway to develop generative AI technology aimed at improving knowledge dissemination. This initiative will allow stakeholders to access crucial and accurate information more efficiently through an AI-powered chatbot, enhancing ECOP’s accessibility to its members. The program is set to be officially launched in January 2025.

In terms of education in the Philippines, Ortiz-Luis noted that the government is not allocating enough budget to sustain quality education. He emphasized the importance of the next education secretary having business acumen to address this issue effectively.

Regarding wage increases, Ortiz-Luis stated that decisions should be left to wage boards as they provide an objective mechanism. Allowing regional wage boards to determine wage hikes also helps attract investments in the provinces, according to Ortiz-Luis.

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