Agricultural organization calls for government to enforce safeguard duties on rice

Agriculture Group Urges President to Impose Safeguards on Rice Imports

The Philippine Chamber of Agriculture and Food Inc. (PCAFI) has called on President Marcos to implement special safeguards on rice imports to shield local farmers from potential import surges following the reduction of tariffs to 15 percent.

In an open letter addressed to Marcos, PCAFI emphasized the importance of imposing the special rice safeguard as outlined in the rice tariffication law (RTL) to provide adequate protection for the local rice sector during times of import surges.

PCAFI President Danilo Fausto stated in the letter released to the media that determining the volume or price triggers for the safeguard should be done promptly, highlighting that the previous administration had neglected this mandatory provision.

Under Section 10 of the RTL, the government is mandated to impose a special safeguard duty (SSG) on rice imports to safeguard the local industry from sudden or extreme price fluctuations. This involves establishing trigger volumes or prices, allowing for additional duties on imports that fall below the trigger price or exceed the import quota.

According to Republic Act 8800, or the Safeguard Measures Act, the agriculture secretary has the authority to impose the SSG on rice imports once the legislated conditions are met.

PCAFI also suggested that the government allocate more financial resources to the agriculture sector through enhanced credit and insurance guarantees for farmers and millers. Additionally, they recommended direct procurement from local farmers and cooperatives by local governments, especially during times of surplus or market failure.

Moreover, the group proposed expanding the financial and storage capabilities of the National Food Authority to accommodate increased local palay production.

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