Villar strengthens law protecting agriculture sector with additional measures

In a significant development for Filipino farmers and consumers, the Anti-Agricultural Economic Sabotage Act is on the brink of becoming a law. The Senate recently ratified the bicameral conference committee report on the Act before adjourning the 2nd regular session of the 19th Congress.

Sen. Cynthia Villar, the principal author and sponsor of the measure, highlighted the importance of the Act in putting an end to cartels, hoarding, profiteering, and other corrupt practices that have been adversely affecting the agricultural sector. Villar emphasized that the Act aims to protect the livelihoods of farmers and combat the manipulative schemes of economic saboteurs.

The proposed Act seeks to repeal the seven-year-old Republic Act No. 10845, known as the Anti-Agricultural Smuggling Act, and expand its scope to address additional nefarious activities such as hoarding, profiteering, and cartels in agricultural and fisheries products. It also aims to safeguard the State from tax evasion and ensure the well-being of agricultural producers, consumers, and the overall economy.

The Senate had passed Senate Bill 2432, also known as the Anti-Agricultural Economic Sabotage Bill, in December 2023, and it has been declared as an urgent priority by President Marcos. This move is seen as a crucial step towards curbing illicit practices in the agricultural sector and promoting fair trade for all stakeholders involved.

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