Survey finds generative AI widely used by students globally.

Generative AI Widely Used by Students Worldwide – Survey

In a recent survey conducted by Quacquarelli Symonds, it was revealed that four out of five tertiary and graduate students worldwide have utilized generative artificial intelligence (AI) in their studies. The survey, known as the Generative AI Pulse Survey, found that 80 percent of students have incorporated generative AI into their academic work.

Among the respondents, 51 percent reported using OpenAI GPT, which is considered the most popular AI tool among students. The survey also showed that 37 percent of students were moderately familiar with generative AI, and many used it for personal projects, language learning, and even creating their curriculum vitae.

Despite some debate over the use of AI in academic settings, the survey found that 36 percent of students used AI in essay writing, research, and other projects. Interestingly, the emergence of AI has shifted students’ interests, with more students now expressing a desire to study computer science and information systems, as opposed to engineering.

Overall, 60 percent of students viewed the role of AI in society positively, while only 16 percent saw it in a negative light. The survey also revealed that 74 percent of students were interested in learning about generative AI, with fear being a common emotion associated with AI for 24 percent of the respondents.

The survey, which involved 1,663 students and academics, was released by QS, a London-based company that analyzes trends and data in higher education worldwide.

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