Senators’ Divided Opinions on Divorce

Senate President Francis Escudero stated that there is no unified position among senators regarding the issue of divorce in the country. He emphasized that each senator should make a personal and conscience-based decision when voting on the matter. Escudero highlighted that there should not be a party influence and that he, as the Senate President, will remain impartial.

This statement came after the House of Representatives approved a divorce bill proposed by Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman. The bill received 131 votes in favor, 109 against, and 20 abstentions. Former Senate President Vicente “Tito” Sotto raised concerns about the bill’s approval process, but the House clarified the vote tally.

Moving forward, lawmakers expressed their hope for the bill’s passage in the Senate, as a similar proposal has been pending since 2023. Lagman, the bill’s principal author, indicated that they would campaign in the Senate to push for the bill’s approval during the upcoming session break.

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