Department of Environment and Natural Resources to streamline mining permit process

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is set to implement a new system of “parallel” processing for mining permits in order to expedite the approval process. DENR Secretary Maria Antonia Yulo-Loyzaga announced the agency’s commitment to exploring this new approach, which would involve processing various mining permits simultaneously instead of the current sequential system.

This change is aimed at reducing the time required to obtain all the necessary permits for mining operations in the country. According to Loyzaga, the current process can take up to six years, with potential for even longer delays based on industry reports. The goal is to shorten the approval time to two to three years, with some officials aiming for as fast as one to two years.

Special Assistant to the President on Investment and Economic Affairs Frederick Go emphasized the importance of streamlining the permit process to attract more mining investments and support industry growth. Loyzaga also mentioned the DENR’s plans to fully digitize the processing of exploration permits and Mineral Production Sharing Agreements by the end of the year, with the help of consulting firms PwC and Deloitte.

In addition to speeding up approvals, the DENR is now requiring impact assessments for prospective mine operations to consider not only environmental impact but also effects on historical, cultural, and protected areas in the country. This includes evaluating proximity to important sites when applying for Environmental Compliance Certificates. These initiatives are part of the DENR’s efforts to improve efficiency and responsibility in the mining sector.

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