Couples for Christ believes that divorce laws are undermining the institution of marriage.

A family-based ministry called Couples for Christ (CFC) has issued a call to the government to refrain from weakening marriage through the proposed divorce law and instead focus on bolstering families. In a manifesto, the group proposed that diligently working on the execution of the Philippine Family Code would be a more effective strategy to elevate Filipinos into law-abiding and emotionally stable citizens.

According to the CFC, children of divorced parents are more likely to engage in criminal activities and are at a higher risk of experiencing mental health issues, suicidal thoughts, and decreased academic performance. The group emphasized the need to protect these children and society at large from the negative consequences brought about by divorces.

Among the key points outlined by the CFC in their opposition to the divorce law are that without divorce, individuals would be more cautious in selecting their partners, husbands and wives who live together in love can provide the best support for their children, children of single parents may face various adverse effects, and a strong family serves as the groundwork for a healthy society.

The group also asserted that the Philippines serves as a beacon for the world, promoting the value of solid marriages and families, and referenced Pope St. John Paul II’s statement that as the family goes, so goes the nation.

Additionally, the CFC argued that while many countries around the world have opted for divorce laws, this is not necessarily indicative of stronger beliefs, but rather a reflection of human frailty. They stressed the importance of following God’s word and the promises of fortitude that come with it.

The House of Representatives recently approved House Bill No. 9349, also known as the Absolute Divorce Act, on its third and final reading on May 22. The bill lists several grounds for absolute divorce, including physical violence, abandonment, drug addiction, marital infidelity, and more.

Overall, the CFC encourages a focus on strengthening marriages and families as a means of building a healthy and stable society.

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