Civil Service Commission to provide artificial intelligence and leadership training for government employees

Government Workers to Receive Online Courses on AI, Financial Literacy, and Leadership Skills

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) has announced that they will be offering online courses to government workers focusing on the strategic use of artificial intelligence, financial literacy, and improving leadership and managerial skills.

The financial education course, which is designed for government officials and employees, will kick off on June 13-14. It will be conducted by the Civil Service Institute (CSI) in partnership with the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and the Banco De Oro Foundation.

According to the CSC, the 10-hour seminar aims to equip participants with tools, tips, and techniques in financial decision-making to help them achieve financial health and freedom.

In addition, a Competency-based Human Resource Management System training program will take place from June 5 to 11. This program is focused on enhancing workforce competencies to improve organizational outcomes.

Other courses include “AI in the Workplace” on June 14, which will provide agency heads and human resource officials with insights into cutting-edge AI applications. HR practitioners can also enroll in the “Levels of Learning Evaluation” program on June 18-20 to determine their agencies’ learning needs and draft learning evaluation processes.

For chiefs and supervisors, there is a course on “Emotional Intelligence and Leadership” scheduled for June 18-19. This program aims to develop leadership self-awareness and strengthen emotional intelligence through a concrete Emotional Intelligence Self-Development Action Plan.

Moreover, a forum titled “CSI Leadership Series” will be held on June 21 to equip public sector executives, managers, directors, and chiefs with effective management and leadership practices as well as emerging trends in leadership.

Lastly, a self-paced course on “Leadership in the Digital Era” will be available from June 26 to Aug. 26, focusing on embracing digital leadership and organizational transformation in the new normal.

These courses aim to enhance the skills and competencies of government workers to effectively adapt to the changing landscape of the workplace.

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