15 individuals rescued from human trafficking, with one being a 14-year-old boy

Fifteen Persons Rescued from Possible Human Trafficking in Bongao, Tawi-Tawi

ZAMBOANGA CITY, ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR – A 14-year-old boy and a senior citizen were among the fifteen individuals rescued by the local anti-human trafficking body in Bongao, Tawi-Tawi. Officials stated that the group was intercepted before they could board a vessel bound for Sarawak and Sabah, Malaysia, where they were at risk of falling victim to human trafficking.

Rosabella Sulani, head of the Municipal Inter-Agency Committee Against Trafficking (MIACAT) in Bongao, explained that the lack of legal documents indicated that the individuals were potential victims of human trafficking, as they had been promised job opportunities in the destination country.

The rescue operation was conducted by the MIACAT team in cooperation with the Naval Forces in Western Mindanao (NFWM), Tawi-Tawi police, Air Force Intelligence Operatives, and the Local Council Against Trafficking and Violence Against Women and Children (LCAT VAWC). The group was intercepted on board the M/V Trisha Kerstine II, M/V Everqueen of Asia, and P/B Lady Mera at the Bongao port on June 20 and June 21.

The rescued individuals hailed from various places, including Sulu, Dipolog City, Molave, Butuan, and Tungawan. This latest rescue brings the total number of individuals rescued by the anti-trafficking body to 40 this year.

Authorities emphasized the importance of vigilance at ports to detect potential victims of human trafficking. Upon detection, rescued individuals are immediately brought to the maritime police station for profiling and documentation before being handed over to the Ministry of Social Welfare and Development Office (MSWDO) in Bongao for counseling and debriefing.

The proximity of Tawi-Tawi to Sandakan, a city in Sabah, Malaysia, has raised concerns about human trafficking. Taganak Mayor Mohamad Faizal Jamalul highlighted the need for strict monitoring of individuals due to the ease of travel between the two locations.

Ryan Hasim, a speedboat operator in Taganak, shared insights into the ease of reaching Sandakan provided one had the necessary funds and documents. He mentioned the risks involved in ferrying undocumented passengers and the methods used to evade scrutiny from port inspectors.

Efforts to combat human trafficking are ongoing, with authorities working to safeguard vulnerable individuals from falling prey to illegal activities.

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