Investigation requested into impact of US’ covert anti-vaccination efforts in the Philippines

Congressional probe urged into US military’s covert campaign to sow vaccine fears
A call for a congressional investigation has emerged in response to revelations of a secret operation by the United States military aimed at stoking fears of China-made vaccines in the Philippines during the COVID-19 pandemic. The operation, which involved the use of fake social media accounts to spread misinformation, has raised concerns about its impact on public health in the country.

The covert campaign, as detailed in a recent Reuters investigation, targeted COVID-19 vaccines developed by Chinese pharmaceutical firm Sinovac Biotech. The operation utilized fake accounts on social media to disseminate content that aimed to sow doubt and fear among Filipinos regarding the efficacy and safety of the Sinovac vaccines.

Government officials and health workers in the Philippines were forced to reassure the public of the safety of the Sinovac vaccine in the face of widespread fears and misinformation. The Pentagon’s motive for launching the operation was reportedly in response to China’s efforts to blame the United States for the pandemic.

Despite objections from US diplomats in Southeast Asia, the Pentagon proceeded with the covert campaign, disregarding the potential harm it could cause in a country already grappling with vaccine hesitancy. The secretive nature of the operation has drawn criticism from advocacy groups, with calls for accountability from the US government for endangering Filipino lives with disinformation.

The impact of the campaign on public health in the Philippines, particularly in a context of existing vaccine fears following the Dengvaxia controversy, has raised alarm among lawmakers and advocates. The scope and reach of the psychological operations conducted by the US military underscore the need for further scrutiny and action to address the consequences of such covert tactics.

As concerns mount over the influence of such operations on public health and trust in vaccines, the call for a congressional probe aims to shed light on the extent of the damage caused by the Pentagon’s covert campaign. Lawmakers and advocacy groups are emphasizing the need for accountability and transparency in addressing the implications of the operation on the health and well-being of Filipinos.

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