House Sends Divorce Bill to Senate

The House of Representatives has officially transmitted House Bill 9349, also known as the Absolute Divorce bill, to the Senate. This decision came after Albay Rep. Edcel Lagman requested the transmission in a letter to House Secretary General Reginald Velasco on May 29.

Initially, there were concerns about the voting results for the bill as some lawmakers disputed the tally. Cagayan de Oro Rep. Rufus Rodriguez, CIBAC party-list Rep. Eddie Villanueva, and Leyte Rep. Richard Gomez raised questions about the voting process. Despite this, Lagman clarified that no formal complaints were lodged regarding the voting results.

The bill outlines grounds for the dissolution of marriage, such as irreconcilable differences, psychological incapacity, and domestic or marital abuse. If passed, it would reinstitute divorce as an alternative mode for the dissolution of marriage in the Philippines.

Historically, divorce was allowed in the country during the American colonial period but was repealed in 1943 during the Japanese occupation. Since then, the Philippines has only allowed legal separation under the Civil Code enacted in 1950.

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