Group warns of impact on over 800 fishers in Laguna de Bay due to floating solar project

Over 800 fisherfolk in the Philippines have expressed their concerns about the potential impact of a 2,000-hectare floating solar project in Laguna de Bay. The fisherfolk, represented by a chapter of the group PAMALAKAYA-Bay, fear that the project could disrupt their livelihood by blocking fishing pathways and destroying docking areas.

PAMALAKAYA-Bay president Alejandro Alcones stated that they were not consulted before the project, which has already been auctioned by the Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA), was planned. The project is expected to cover areas in Laguna province, including Calamba, Cabuyao, Santa Rosa, Bay, and Victoria.

The group estimates that at least 8,500 registered fisherfolk and over 2,000 individuals involved in aquaculture in Laguna province will be negatively affected by the solar project. PAMALAKAYA-Bay plans to engage with government agencies, including the LLDA and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, to oppose the project, which they describe as “profit-driven and destructive.”

As of now, the LLDA has not responded to requests for comment on the fishers’ concerns. The group is determined to fight for the protection of their livelihoods and fishing grounds in Laguna de Bay.

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