Gordon praises latest development in Pharmally corruption case

The Ombudsman has indicted Lin Weixiong for graft and corruption in relation to the Pharmally procurement controversy, as confirmed by former Sen. Richard Gordon. Gordon, who led the investigation into the government contracts awarded to Pharmally Pharmaceutical Corp., expressed gratitude for the Ombudsman’s actions, stating that it validates his belief in justice in the Philippines. He also acknowledged the efforts of the blue ribbon committee team.

Gordon raised concerns about the large contracts given to a company with a short history and minimal capital during the Duterte administration. He also criticized Lin Weixiong, the finance manager of Pharmally, for evading Senate testimony and living a lavish lifestyle while facing allegations of plunder.

The former senator highlighted the attempts from “higher-ups” in the Duterte administration to protect those involved in the controversy. Despite facing harassment and threats, Gordon emphasized the importance of fighting corruption for the well-being of the people.

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