Daddy’s Girls with Sparkle Talents Embrace Their Relationship

Julie Anne San Jose Achieves Success Against Father’s Initial Disapproval

Julie Anne San Jose defied her father’s wishes to pursue a career in music and showbiz, a decision she made at the age of 12. Despite her father’s initial disapproval, Julie Anne entered a contest and pursued her dreams without his knowledge until later. To appease her father, who was disappointed, she promised to continue her studies and excel academically.

After balancing work and studies, Julie Anne graduated from University of Santo Tomas Angelicum College with a degree in communication arts. She shared her pride in achieving this milestone, attributing it as a gift to her parents for their support.

Now, her father is supportive and proud of her, even driving her to and from work. Julie Anne plans to pass on the lessons of humility, kindness, and passion that her father taught her to her future children.

Hannah Arguelles Values Self-Investment Inspired by Father’s Teachings

Hannah Arguelles, a Sparkle talent and aspiring actress, shared her father’s gentle and patient approach to parenting. Raised in an environment where she was rarely reprimanded, Hannah recalls her father’s advice to be patient and understanding towards others, a lesson she intends to pass on to her own children.

Kate Valdez Learns Valuable Lessons Through Father’s Even-Tempered Parenting

Actress and model Kate Valdez recalls a childhood free of reprimands, with her father being a calm and composed presence. Rather than resorting to harsh discipline, he would guide her through mistakes, allowing her to learn from them without fear.

Kate aims to teach her future children the importance of letting go of worries and allowing problems to be resolved without causing unnecessary stress, inspired by her father’s wisdom.

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