CEO of RFM invites high school students to gain insight into the business world

Joey Concepcion, Chairman, President, and CEO of RFM Corporation, recently hosted students from Raja Soliman Science High School and Rizal High School in the company’s boardroom for a unique learning experience. The event, known as “The Boardroom Experience,” is part of the Youthpreneur program created by Go Negosyo founder.

The initiative aims to instill an entrepreneurial spirit among Filipino youth by providing them with insights into corporate leadership. Students engaged in discussions on entrepreneurship, leadership, and innovation during the one-hour session. The program is targeted towards senior high school students from public schools enrolled in various academic strands.

Concepcion emphasized the value of this experience, noting that it gives students the opportunity to interact with a CEO and gain confidence in presenting their ideas to seasoned businessmen. The Boardroom Experience also featured digital entrepreneurs sharing their experiences in the digital business landscape.

Overall, the program is designed to enhance students’ skills, build mentorship relationships, and improve their financial literacy. This immersive learning experience prepares students for future career paths in entrepreneurship and enriches their prospects in the business world.

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