Industry friends in showbiz pay tribute to Manny Castañeda’s memory

Veteran actor and filmmaker Manny Castañeda has been fondly remembered by friends and colleagues in the entertainment industry following his recent passing. The news was confirmed by close friend and Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP) chair and CEO Jose Javier “Joey” Reyes. Castañeda, who was 69 years old, had been battling pneumonia for a month prior to his death, the cause of which remains undisclosed.

Tributes poured in from fellow celebrities like Franco Laurel, Agot Isidro, Mel Kimura, and Vickie Rushton, all acknowledging Castañeda’s substantial impact on their lives and the industry. Entertainment publicist Noel Ferrer shared heartfelt memories of their adventures together, highlighting Castañeda’s vibrant personality and the enduring bond of their friendship.

Singer Richard Reynoso reflected on his time working with Castañeda on “The Sharon Cuneta Show,” recalling their enjoyable interactions behind the scenes. The singer described Castañeda as a person full of life and humor, someone who brought joy to those around him.

Photographer Niccolo Cosme also shared personal anecdotes about Castañeda, emphasizing his role as an influential figure in his formative years as a young gay man. Cosme praised Castañeda for his wisdom and impact on the LGBTQ+ community, expressing gratitude for the lessons learned from their interactions.

Starting his career in the entertainment industry with the 1979 film “Aliw,” Castañeda went on to appear in various TV series and films, leaving a lasting impression on audiences and colleagues alike. Despite his passing, his legacy as a talented actor and director will continue to resonate with those who knew him.

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