Cargo passenger ship stranded off the coast of Palawan

Cargo passenger vessel runs aground in Coron
A cargo passenger vessel of 2GO Travel shipping company suffered engine failure, causing it to run aground while leaving the port of Coron town on Friday. The Coast Guard District Palawan (CGD-Pal) reported that the MV Francis Xavier lost all power and stopped in the water, approximately one nautical mile from the port of Coron. The crew managed to anchor the ship to prevent drifting, but the stern ran aground on a shallow area due to low tide while engineers were restoring power. Despite power being restored at 10 p.m., the vessel remained immobile as the stern remained grounded. Personnel from the Coast Guard conducted inspections and found no signs of leakage or oil spill. Passengers were assisted in disembarkation, with 213 out of 1,365 already alighted from the ship. Repair of the damaged generator is ongoing, and a thorough inspection will be conducted before the vessel can resume its journey.

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